Meals on Wheels (MOW), also known as Home Delivered Meals (HDM), provides nutritious meals, friendly visits, and safety checks to our homebound neighbors, providing peace of mind to consumers and their loved ones, and helping consumers remain in their homes longer.
Deliveries are made Monday through Friday and include a hot lunch and ready-to-eat refrigerated evening meal, including side items, fruit, bread/rolls, 1% milk, and occasional dessert and other special treats, such as handmade cards or other items from community members. Menus are designed by a registered dietician to meet nutritional needs (1/3 of Recommended Daily Allowances) of older adults.
Meals are packed and delivered by dedicated, friendly staff and volunteers, who receive background checks upon joining the team. Recipients receive friendly visits and a daily check on their safety. Concerns about a recipient's demeanor or health are communicated to loved ones.
MOW can provide individuals with long-term or short-term assistance, such as when someone is recuperating from an illness or injury.
Home Delivered Meals is a program of the Montgomery County Office of Aging Services (MCOAS), facilitated out of our senior center location in East Greenville, The Center at The Open Link, serving the Upper Perkiomen Valley in Montgomery County. (Please reach out for information on a different area.)
· 60 years of age or older
· Unable to prepare meals (and have no one residing with them to do so)
· Unable to shop for themselves (and have no one residing with them to do so)
There are no income requirements, though recipients are encouraged to make anonymous contributions.
Getting Started:
Eligibility is determined by MCOAS and each recipient has a care manager. To learn more about this process and to be referred to MCOAS and The Open Link’s MOW program, please call The Center at 215-679-6550 or center@theopenlink.org.
Those who are not eligible may be referred to The Open Link, which offers a variety of programs and services including daily congregate lunch at the senior center and assistance from the Food Pantry at The Open Link’s main office.
Program Funding
Partial funding for the program is provided by Montgomery County’s Office of Aging Services. Individual and organizational donations from people like you make up the difference. All contributions are tax-deductible.