The Open Link is looking for people who are passionate about helping others and want to do so in a way that provides sustainable, lon-term solutions. We pride ourselves on an inclusive culture where you will feel a true sense of belonging. We do not currently have any staff openings, but are always looking for volunteers!
The Open Link strives to serve our community and embody the following values:
Every UPV resident should be able to access the services they need without barriers. This includes barriers that may be physical, cultural, religious or language. The Open Link shall be welcoming to all.
Our staff, our volunteers, and our board shall respect and understand each other's background, values and experiences as well as those of our clients. The Open Link recognizes our community's diversity and the authenticity and genuineness of how we differ and what we share.
The Open Link shall be transparent and accountable to its clients and their communities. The Open Link will work to establish and maintain trust within our organization and with our clients.
Every client, volunteer, staff or board member should be able to look forward to a thriving future for themselves, our organization and the entire UPV. The Open Link will champion efforts to address prejudice as well as support courageous individuals who speak and act towards this goal.